CIT's virtual resources - use them, learn from them!

In recent years, in the context of COVID-19, and after February 24, 2022, when our state was exposed to hostile aggression by the Russian Federation and a significant number of educational institutions were transferred to remote operation, various means of information computer technology have become especially important. Therefore, one of the promising areas of activity of LNU CIT is the introduction of modern information and organizational structures using powerful servers

The CIT of LSTNU ERIMIT has a powerful information system that is capable of providing access from any device (PC, smartphone, tablet) based on modern server and cloud technologies and offers:

  • Use existing software on Microsoft Windows Server 2016 virtual servers..

  • Use a licensed plagiarism checker.

  • Provide assistance in deploying "your" software on the Internet.

  • Use the "standalone software" mode (without access to virtual machines).

  • Configure Windows 10 and Ubuntu 22.04 virtual systems to meet the needs of the user or the educational process, taking into account the required number of virtual systems.

    • Use constantly running virtual systems (24/7) for various enterprises and institutions in full or partial administration modes. Windows 10 and Ubuntu 22.04 virtual systems can be used. The number of processor cores, total storage capacity, etc. can be configured. Assistance is provided in installing and configuring the software, taking into account the needs of the enterprise.

    • Use virtual training systems to organize the training process in the "return to previous state" mode. It is possible to use virtual systems Windows 10 and Ubuntu 22.04. The number of processor cores, total storage capacity, etc. is configured. Assistance is provided in installing and configuring the software to meet the needs of the educational process.

  • Create new server systems based on the needs of the user or the educational process, customize additional software.

  • Create WEB servers or Linux/ Ubuntu systems for various enterprises and institutions..

Основу інформаційної системи складає сучасна швидкісна інтрамережа та потужне серверне устаткування, що використовують інтегроване програмне середовище спеціалізованих рішень VMware та Microsoft. This system includes the VMware vSphere software suite (VMware ESXi and VMware Vcenter), which is integrated with Microsoft AD and specialized systems of the connector, gateway and incoming router (MikroTik RouteOS).

All users are provided with a separate login and password, which, due to full integration, provides controlled access to all information resources.

When using special client software, you can use a variety of devices (PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.).


Thanks to the implementation of modern technological solutions, the CIT is able to provide its users with three options for accessing its information resources around the clock (24/7):

  1. Using the VMware Horizon client via PcoIP and VMware Blast, which allows you to use all virtual machines with a variety of operating systems and settings;
  2. Using an Internet browser via the https protocol, which provides a limited ability to use all virtual machines with different operating systems and settings;
  3. Using VPN access via the L2TP protocol, which provides the ability to connect to the remote desktop (RDP) of the powerful Microsoft Windows Server.

 Myrhorod Center for IT Solutions of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University is located at::

t. Myrhorod, 52/15 Starosvitska str.
phone.: +380661733850, mail